Monday, October 13, 2008

Flying High

Once I figured out my troubles in "paint" the assignment is actually really neat. Me...and artist?


Rebekah said...

Great work! By any chance, did the problem you had pertain to transferring your work to paint? If so how did you work it out? I'm having some troubles myself.

Rich said...

Yes indeed. If you select the dotted rectangle at the top upper left in the tools box , next to the "star", you can then crop the portion you want by clicking and dragging, then, EDIT,COPY,NEW,PASTE,SAVE AS JPEG

I could not get COPY to work unless using the upper rectangle box. Hope this helps

melskigphoto said...

Rich, if it wasn't for your multi-colored waterfalls, I never would have known we could modify them! Thanks! I had fun with this feature once I got the hang of it! I like the eagles in the sky the most for its simplicity! It's been great seeing the work of a true "artist" this MOD!

Jenna said...

I as well like the picture of the eagles in the sky. And as for copying to save as a JPEG it took forever to fiqure out before I downloaded a photoshop type program to use with the Print Screen button. Great job- I enjoyed viewing your work this mod.

Jerry said...

Looks like you had a ball with this Rich... we are all artists... that's part of being human. relaxing enough to have fun and play is the big key... hope you keep going with this!