Sunday, September 14, 2008

Water pics inland

No beach shots but I took hundreds of pics yesterday and today (mainly in the rain) and I think I captured some nice shots. Soon to upload several to:


Rich said...

BTW the flowers at the forefront are only an inch or so high, camera was very very low to ground.

Jerry said...

Wow... nice falls... after all this rain, they are really running... usually they are pretty dry this time of year.

Nice framing on the top one...

Rich said...

I just noticed if you look closely and use some imagination, on the left upper side of the large rock, you can see the silhouette of what they call "satan" at Devils Hopyard, hence the name of the park. The eye, nose and mouth.

Robin said...

Great pics, the yellow flowers are very eye-catching.

melskigphoto said...

Love both shots Rich! The yellow flowers and sky beautifully frame the reflection in the water. Great job!

Pam G said...

I love the falls, very tranquil