Sunday, September 7, 2008

Here are two pictures from downtown New Haven. I choose the first picture because of the color contrast between the blue-dusk sky, dark shadowing and white building. The second picture, I was able to capture a building and it's reflection of another building in one!


Pam G said...

I love the angle the colors and the reflection.

Jerry said...

Good Rebekak... the solor contrast of the top one is striking... To make it even stronger, you should shoot with a tripod under low light conditions to make it sharp... the blur is from camera movement.

melskigphoto said...

A 2-for-1! Nice capture of a reflection.

Robin said...

This is a neat picture. At a quick glance, I thought there was a tall grated fence in front of this bldg, but then read your comment that it was a reflection. Good eye!!

Jenna said...

I agree, I liked the second picture. Like Robin, it took me a minute of looking at the picture before I realized it was a reflection. I thought it was looking through a fence as well.